TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - IKEYA FORMULA front lower control arms $600 + shipping
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Subject SELLING: IKEYA FORMULA front lower control arms $600 + shipping
Posted by j4bata on June 23, 2016 at 12:47 AM
  This message has been viewed 782 times.
Screen Name:j4bata
Real Name:John Shibata
Location:Mar Vista, CA 90066 United States
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Message Brand new(open box). I ordered them from Japan and cost $1100. Didn't know 2 inch drop is required to use them. This will be great for someone with a 2 inch + lowered Z to correct the roll center and camber. Also includes tension rods.

Follow Ups
  • IKEYA FORMULA front lower control arms $600 + shipping - j4bata 00:47:22 06/23/16