TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Greddy Trust Intercoolers
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Subject SELLING: Greddy Trust Intercoolers
Posted by KaijuZ (dallas) on June 12, 2016 at 1:50 PM
  This message has been viewed 971 times.
Screen Name:KaijuZ (dallas)
Real Name:Cameron Stanley
Location:Denton/Dallas, TX 76207 USA
Research KaijuZ (dallas)'s post history
Message Selling a pair of Greddy/Trust intercoolers i purchased from Sebastian of Specialty Z a few years back. They're great and have zero leaks. He had painted the faces so i removed most of the paint. They work flawlessly and told me they are the best intercoolers for the stock fascia WITHOUT any need of modification to get the most out of these. Asking 400 shipped

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