TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Passenger Side timing Belt Cover - excellent shape
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Subject WANTED: Passenger Side timing Belt Cover - excellent shape
Posted by doug8867 on June 10, 2016 at 6:50 AM
  This message has been viewed 728 times.
Screen Name:doug8867
Real Name:Doug Richards
Location:Indianapolis, IN 46256 USA
E-mail:perna at
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Message My right side timing cover has a few scrapes and nicks so I'm considering replacing it if the price is right. So if you have one for sale in great shape with few to no nicks or scratches please send a pick and let me know a price shipped to Indianapolis, 46256.

I may also consider the left side cover if it's in great shape. Thanks.

Follow Ups
  • Passenger Side timing Belt Cover - excellent shape - doug8867 06:50:37 06/10/16