TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - ZSpeed Performance Aluminum PC Coated Engine Splash Shields
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Subject SELLING: ZSpeed Performance Aluminum PC Coated Engine Splash Shields
Posted by Joe@ZSpeedperformance on June 09, 2016 at 11:50 AM
  This message has been viewed 942 times.
Screen Name:SpddracerOG
Real Name:Joe Allison
Location:Troy, OH 45373 United States
Research SpddracerOG's post history

These come with all new mounting hardware at no additional charge!

Aluminum Engine belly pans, JSpec fascia splash shields and US front fascia splash shields.
Lightweight powder coated aluminum, around 2 lbs each.

Purchase securely on our website Here

Zspeed Splash shield keep your engine bay cleaner, Vent more hot air out of the engine compartment and last virtually forever. No more sagging plastic shield soaked from old oil leaks!

Engine Belly pan, All 90-96 Z32

JSpec Front Bumper
Replaces plastic OE shield from bottom of front bumper to radiator core support. This shield also works well with most aftermarket front bumpers, Stillen, Greddy ect.

For U.S. Spec TT or NA stock front bumper
Replaces plastic OEM shield from bottom of front bumper to radiator core support.

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