TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Selling turbos radiator and more
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Subject SELLING: Selling turbos radiator and more
Posted by Doros on June 05, 2016 at 6:57 AM
  This message has been viewed 845 times.
Screen Name:Doros
Real Name:Ted Loizos
Location:Columbus, OH 43212 USA
Research Doros's post history
Message Selling stock turbos, AMS aftermarket turbo radiator, stock twin turbo swaybars, stock intercoolers, 3 N/A injectors, Stock manifolds, and a 2 piece driveshaft that needs a new bushing.

Turbos are in good shape spin great and come with good wastegates, sway bars are sway bars hard to ruin those, and the AMS radiator also in great shape and fits great with stock intercooler piping. I went with 2.5' piping and it was a little too snug for my liking so I built my own rad. My stock piping is also fs, and I have a few leftover good injectors from a early N/A.

Turbos - 425 shipped
Radiator - 190 shipped
sways - 120 shipped
IC piping - 110 shipped
Intercoolers - 75 shipped
Injectors - 45 shipped for 1, 100 shipped for all of them.
Driveshaft - 30+shipping
manifolds - 30+shipping

Lastly I have a pair of blown modified turbos. They use original garret housings modified for larger wheels. I'm not sure who made them or what size they are so I'm just tossing them on here for 150 shipped.

Thanks for looking, shoot me a message!

Follow Ups
  • Selling turbos radiator and more - Doros 06:57:00 06/05/16