TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 92 NA Shell Will Sell Whole Or Partout
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Subject SELLING: 92 NA Shell Will Sell Whole Or Partout
Posted by NicelowZ on June 02, 2016 at 10:29 AM
  This message has been viewed 912 times.
Screen Name:NicelowZ
Real Name:Paul Hallquist
Location:Harrisonburg, Va 22801 USA
Research NicelowZ's post history
Message Either selling or parting out a 92 NA. Chassis has 130k on it. Recent paint. Car is missing the following....

Engine Wiring
All AC Stripped
No Clutch or Brake Pedals
No Seats
No rear Carpet
No Exhaust

Everything else is basically there. Ill sell it whole for $500.00 Clean and clear title in hand. Would be perfect for a VH or LS Swap. Car is dirty in the pics from sitting under a tree. But does clean up nicely with no rust or major body damage.

If no one bites on that..I will part it out. Whichever comes first. If you see anything you need, just email me. Lemme know. Thanks! Paul

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Follow Ups
  • 92 NA Shell Will Sell Whole Or Partout - NicelowZ 10:29:02 06/02/16