TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - EPR 8QT Oil Pan Order
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Subject SELLING: EPR 8QT Oil Pan Order
Posted by Tech@EPR on April 20, 2016 at 1:05 PM
  This message has been viewed 964 times.
Screen Name:Tech@EPR
Real Name:M Wilson
Location:Ft. Worth, TX 76009 USA
Research Tech@EPR's post history
Message ***PLACING ORDER***

I am placing an order for more of my 8qt oil pans in the next 2 weeks. If anyone is interested in getting in on the order now is your time. I am extending a discount to those that want to place their order. Retail on these is $675 + shipping but for this order I am going to drop it down to $650 + shipping.
Benefits and features of my oil pan are:

Largest capacity pan for the VG30 on the market (8qts)
4 trap door in sump
New designed pickup tube (included)
Made of brand new sheet metal construction
Zinc plated for corrosion protection
Billet front and rear end plates for added support
Thicker pan rails
Magnetic oil drain plug (included)
Accessory bung (oil temp sensor provision)
Passenger side windage kickout
Built in windage screen
Reduced oil temperatures
Better oil control within the oil pan
Proper trap door design

There simply is no other oil pan offered that is this feature packed for the price. If you have any questions and or want to put yourself down on the list for this order please email me directly at . Lead time for oil pans to be made/produced is approximately 4-6 weeks (varied depending on production schedule at manufacturer)

Follow Ups
  • EPR 8QT Oil Pan Order - Tech@EPR 13:05:45 04/20/16