TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - ***Pre/Group Buy*** - ZSPEC "Early Plenum" Spring Covers
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Subject SELLING: ***Pre/Group Buy*** - ZSPEC "Early Plenum" Spring Covers
Posted by zinistr on March 23, 2016 at 9:31 PM
  This message has been viewed 956 times.
Screen Name:zinistr
Real Name:Chris Karl
Location:Chardon, OH 44024 USA
Research zinistr's post history
Message ZSPEC is running a pre-buy for early spring evolution of the early MegaZ SS spring covers (with his permission). These will be made in polished stainless steel - as well as with a black powder-coat finish.

Pre-buy is $50 shipped domestically. Street price will be $65 thereafter. Our website will offer the throttle body and linkage fastener kit as an option - this pre-buy does not include fasteners.

Note - as stated these are for the early plenums ('90-93) and are being initially made strictly for OEM throttle bodies.

Our first-pass prototype photos:

If you are interested, payments are being accepted at: for the $50. Be sure to include in your comments the "finish" (polished / powercoated black...) and whether you want a set with or without the Z logo. Note, we *may* do a laser-etch versus a Z cut-out depending on how they turn out.

We expect production to start in early April and for finished parts to be available ~mid-June.

Here's a group/pre-buy event link on Facebook for updates and more information as production is launched.

Follow Ups
  • ***Pre/Group Buy*** - ZSPEC "Early Plenum" Spring Covers - zinistr 21:31:43 03/23/16