TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - New 1LB Stainless Steel Shift Knobs In Stock
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Subject SELLING: New 1LB Stainless Steel Shift Knobs In Stock
Posted by Joe@Dewla_DeZign on March 03, 2016 at 7:34 AM
  This message has been viewed 853 times.
Screen Name:Joe@Dewla_DeZign
Real Name:Joe Lala
Location:Dayton, OH 45424 USA
Research Joe@Dewla_DeZign's post history
Message Hey guys!

We have been working on developing a new shift knob for a little over a month now: IT IS FINALLY HERE!

Comprised of pure "303" Stainless Steel. This sucker weighs in at exactly 1lb! That's right, 1lb!!!.

We have always liked the original DK-01 design comprised of 6061 T6 "Aluminum"(weighing only 5.5 oz), but we wanted something with some more weight and stability. We wanted something that would be dampening to the road and mechanical vibrations of the vehicle. Well... Here it is.

They will be available at Z1 and CZP withing two weeks.
They are only available on our site as of today.

[ ]

As always, Thank you all.

DK-01 Stainless photo 350z Shift knob_zpspm515jgf.jpg

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  • New 1LB Stainless Steel Shift Knobs In Stock - Joe@Dewla_DeZign 07:34:08 03/03/16