TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - >>>Spring's Around the Corner WingZ Group Buy<<<
People Seeking Info

Subject SELLING: >>>Spring's Around the Corner WingZ Group Buy<<<
Posted by MegaZ on February 21, 2016 at 7:23 PM
  This message has been viewed 1033 times.
Screen Name:MegaZ
Real Name:David Gardner
Phone:please use email
Location:Mount Airy, NC 27030 USA
Research MegaZ's post history
Message Spring is on the way...and that means SHOWTIME!

My Regular price on any polished stainless steel WingZ is $160.00. Sometimes I offer a sale price of $120.00.

New finish...brushed stainless steel...

The following POLISHED SS WingZ in standard TT configuration are on sale for this GROUP BUY at $100.00 plus $15 shipping East of the Mississippi/$18 West...


...and ANY other radiator except for Z1 Howe, OEM TT and OEM NA

ALL RADIATOR makes, including those excepted above, are on sale for this GROUP BUY at $100.00 plus shipping if you exercise one or more of the following Custom Options:

*Open radiator tray
*Open front edge (for access to nose panel)
*No hood prop clip hole
*NA core support
*NA side panels
*VIN plate cut-out (NEW)

Brushed Stainless same price, and in ANY CONFIGURATION
Interested in powdercoat?...same price, and in ANY CONFIGURATION
Raw?...$80 plus shipping, in ANY CONFIGURATION

Inquiries? me

I need commitments from 5 buyers to proceed with this GROUP BUY, which closes February 28th, and at which time cutting commences...

Follow Ups
  • >>>Spring's Around the Corner WingZ Group Buy<<< - MegaZ 19:23:40 02/21/16