TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Tein Flex Coilover System w/EDFC **Reduced Price**
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Subject SELLING: Tein Flex Coilover System w/EDFC **Reduced Price**
Posted by Madhatter10-6 on February 16, 2016 at 1:23 PM
  This message has been viewed 1003 times.
Screen Name:Madhatter10-6
Real Name:Saxon Koger
Location:Lexington, KY 42503 USA
Research Madhatter10-6's post history
Message I am selling my used Tein Flex Coilover System w/EDFC. This system has approximately 9K miles on it. It comes with everything needed to install and adjust it. This system ended up being overkill for my needs and I didn't take advantage of all of the features that it had. I never track my Z and do very mild street driving the ride wasn't what I was looking for in terms of stiffness or sound. From what I have read these have a lot of room for adjustment and its just more than I wanted / needed.

Z1 currently sells this kit new for $1728 + shipping.

I am asking $1099 shipped + Paypal in the cont USA OBO.

For fastest response txt between 8am-12pm EST.

Pit bull sold separately ;)

Follow Ups
  • Tein Flex Coilover System w/EDFC **Reduced Price** - Madhatter10-6 13:23:01 02/16/16