TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - ***ZSPEC February Sales*** SS Fuel & Cruise Bracket Sets
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Subject SELLING: ***ZSPEC February Sales*** SS Fuel & Cruise Bracket Sets
Posted by zinistr on February 15, 2016 at 1:49 PM
  This message has been viewed 751 times.
Screen Name:zinistr
Real Name:Chris Karl
Location:Chardon, OH 44024 USA
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Message ZSPEC is helping you keep moving during winter with some specials on some of our more popular stainless upgrade kits.

#1 - SS Fuel Filter Brackets - now $40 Shipped domestically

#2 - Z32 300zx Coil Bracket Sets - now $75 Shipped with Coil Pack Bolt Kit (Coil Bracket fasteners/washers optional).

Both deals end end of week (by 2/21).

Version "with" Z Cut-out:

Version without Z cut-out and backing plates (OEM-style):

Follow Ups
  • ***ZSPEC February Sales*** SS Fuel & Cruise Bracket Sets - zinistr 13:49:48 02/15/16