TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Z1 3" to 2.5" test pipes
People Seeking Info

Subject SELLING: Z1 3" to 2.5" test pipes
Posted by ste z on January 28, 2016 at 9:35 PM
  This message has been viewed 697 times.
Screen Name:ste z
Real Name:Dustin Stec
Location:Maryville , Tn 37803 USA
Research ste z's post history
Message Brand new, box only opened to take pics.

Buyer pays shipping and pp fees

Can be picked up in Knoxville TN or Columbus OH or in between

Make an offer.

Follow Ups
  • Z1 3" to 2.5" test pipes - ste z 21:35:06 01/28/16