TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Driver side headlight & 3 pin male pigtail from broken o2 se
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Subject WANTED: Driver side headlight & 3 pin male pigtail from broken o2 se
Posted by JSD-ZX on January 09, 2016 at 8:32 AM
  This message has been viewed 653 times.
Screen Name:JSD-ZX
Real Name:Jamaal Davis
Location:Dallas, tx 75228 USA
Research JSD-ZX's post history
Message As stated, need a driver side US headlight. Please send pics and price shipped to 75056.

Secondly, I need male 3 pin pigtails that can be found on broken or used o2 sensors or other places in the engine bay. Just the connector and pigtail needed. Thanks

Follow Ups
  • Driver side headlight & 3 pin male pigtail from broken o2 se - JSD-ZX 08:32:38 01/09/16