TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - WTB: Charcoal suede glovebox and glovebox finisher/trim
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Subject WANTED: WTB: Charcoal suede glovebox and glovebox finisher/trim
Posted by NNayak on January 06, 2016 at 2:02 AM
  This message has been viewed 540 times.
Screen Name:NNayak
Real Name:N Nayak
Phone:(732) XXX-XXXX
Location:Southern California, CA 90XXX USA
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Message Hello,

I'm looking for a good condition used charcoal suede (not tweed) glovebox and glovebox trim/finisher piece -- the panel that sits between the glovebox and the door.

I'd like to pay about $60 shipped combined for both pieces. I have cash in hand and am located in the Los Angeles area.


Follow Ups
  • WTB: Charcoal suede glovebox and glovebox finisher/trim - NNayak 02:02:16 01/06/16