TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Dw fuel pump and a few others things
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Subject SELLING: Dw fuel pump and a few others things
Posted by revolutionary on January 03, 2016 at 8:53 AM
  This message has been viewed 554 times.
Screen Name:revolutionary
Real Name:brent
Location:miramar, fl 33023 USA
Research revolutionary's post history
Message I have a dw fuel pump bearly used $60 shipped
Also have a na flywheel $25
2 seater driveshaft auto $40
2 ecu chips one for 555 and one for 740 $50 each
Tt clutch $20
Na clutch $20
Alternator $20
Na radiator $20
Na condensor $20
Good motor mounts $25
New style cas $25
3 inch test pipes and x pipe $140

Follow Ups
  • Dw fuel pump and a few others things - revolutionary 08:53:57 01/03/16