TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Coil pack connectors
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Subject SELLING: Coil pack connectors
Posted by ILoveBoost on December 05, 2015 at 7:28 AM
  This message has been viewed 604 times.
Screen Name:ILoveBoost
Real Name:Edward Cheung
Location:Sachse, TX 75048 USA
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Message Brand new coil pack connectors for Nissan 300zx.

Ever wonder why your car misfires? Loose connection to the coil packs because of old broken connectors? All you have to do is de-pin your wires and snap them back into the new plugs. This will allow you to have secured connection between the engine harness and the coil packs. These connectors can also be used for o2 sensors (Harness side) as well.

This auction includes:
- 6x connectors
- 6x connector retainers
- 18x receptacles if you do not want to de-pin old connectors
- 18x insulators

I also have the new style injector connectors as well as 2 pin knock sensor (male and female) connectors.

$34.95 shipped.

Follow Ups
  • Coil pack connectors - ILoveBoost 07:28:03 12/05/15