TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 2 x Volk Racing TE37 SL Super Lap 18x10 +30 Pressed Graphite
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Subject SELLING: 2 x Volk Racing TE37 SL Super Lap 18x10 +30 Pressed Graphite
Posted by BoneZ (MD) on December 04, 2015 at 2:48 PM
  This message has been viewed 923 times.
Screen Name:BoneZ (MD)
Real Name:Keefe BoneZ
Location:Annapolis, MD 21409 USA
Research BoneZ (MD)'s post history
Message As seen here: La-Z-Link

Currently wrapped in Michelin PS2 275/40/18.

$1000 + shipping for the pair.

Available now with tires mounted, if you want them naked it will be about a week before I can get to the touchless tire shop.

(On the rear)

Follow Ups
  • 2 x Volk Racing TE37 SL Super Lap 18x10 +30 Pressed Graphite - BoneZ (MD) 14:48:51 12/04/15