TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - wanted Mike Smith Manifolds, Bigger injectors/ fuel rails,
People Seeking Info

Subject WANTED: wanted Mike Smith Manifolds, Bigger injectors/ fuel rails,
Posted by BAMF Z32 on November 25, 2015 at 1:20 PM
  This message has been viewed 570 times.
Screen Name:BAMF Z32
Real Name:Blake pop
Location:placerville/Sacramento, Ca 95667 USA
Research BAMF Z32's post history
Message Wanted
- Trying to get my build together slowly but surely. Looking to buy used at a great price or I will just buy new. Let me know what you have.

Need MS Manifolds

300 degree fuel rail with 650cc injectors or bigger

Also interested in any other performance parts if its a killer price.

Follow Ups
  • wanted Mike Smith Manifolds, Bigger injectors/ fuel rails, - BAMF Z32 13:20:52 11/25/15