TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Z1 Motorsports: Black Friday Sale
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Subject SELLING: Z1 Motorsports: Black Friday Sale
Posted by John@Z1 on November 25, 2015 at 8:30 AM
  This message has been viewed 1200 times.
Screen Name:John@Z1
Real Name:John Parham
Location:Carrollton, Ga 30116 USA
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Z1 Motorsports 300ZX (Z32) Black Friday Specials

The Z1 Black Friday Sale begins in less than 48 hours and is going to be HUGE! We've been listening to the people and negotiating many incredible deals based on all the feedback. If you really want to get back on track (or just the street) and simply WIN at everything, we encourage you to join us this Friday 11.27.15 at [ ]

We have a extensive list of special deals that will be offered for each model, but are not quite ready to expose them. Over the next 24 hours, we will be revealing these the images displaying the specials available for each division 300ZX (Z32), 350Z / G35, and 370Z / G37.

More can be found at [ ]

Follow Ups
  • Z1 Motorsports: Black Friday Sale - John@Z1 08:30:24 11/25/15