TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - drive side TT axle and fuel injectors 615cc to 850cc
People Seeking Info

Subject WANTED: drive side TT axle and fuel injectors 615cc to 850cc
Posted by Dane (Houston) on November 24, 2015 at 12:11 AM
  This message has been viewed 586 times.
Screen Name:Dane (Houston)
Real Name:Dane Miller
Phone:713 204 8136
Location:Houston, TX 77070 USA
Research Dane (Houston)'s post history
Message wanted shipped to Houston tx 77070

looking for late style injectors 615 650 740 750 800 850cc

6 good working injectors

and a good Twinturbo drivers side TT halfshaft

AsK for dane at 9364638966

Follow Ups
  • drive side TT axle and fuel injectors 615cc to 850cc - Dane (Houston) 00:11:16 11/24/15