TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - NIB '99-00 JDM Xenon pre-wired headlights. Ready to ship.
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Subject SELLING: NIB '99-00 JDM Xenon pre-wired headlights. Ready to ship.
Posted by Turbonium 300Zx on November 19, 2015 at 12:57 AM
  This message has been viewed 678 times.
Screen Name:Turbonium 300Zx
Real Name:Luis Hernandez
Phone:300zx T.T.
Location:Miami , Fl 33193 USA
Research Turbonium 300Zx's post history
Message These 99-00 JDM Xenon headlights are brand new, never installed and are pre-wired for fast and easy plug and play. $2250 shipped within the CONUS. Email me if you are interested.

Pic's upon request since I have not opened the box. For Paypal transactions add 3% unless the funds are sent as "friends and family"

Thanks for checking out the listing,

Follow Ups
  • NIB '99-00 JDM Xenon pre-wired headlights. Ready to ship. - Turbonium 300Zx 00:57:19 11/19/15