TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Coated 4340 chromoly Eagle rods... BDE Late adjustable gear
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Subject SELLING: Coated 4340 chromoly Eagle rods... BDE Late adjustable gear
Posted by KongZTT GT28RS MD on November 10, 2015 at 6:47 AM
  This message has been viewed 802 times.
Screen Name:KongZTT GT28RS MD
Real Name:Shawn Z
Location:Baltimore , md 21001 USA
E-mail:shawn300z@hotmail dott com
Research KongZTT GT28RS MD's post history
Message Brand new authentic 4340 chromoly Eagle rods
VG30DE.. TT or NA. Has ARP-2000 rod bolts

Professionally coated in Oil dispersant coating to shed oil and create less parasitic drag.


300* fuel rails.. Comes with all hardware/caps and Specialty Z stainless steel braided line set


BDE adjustable intake and exhaust gears with ARP hardware.

-$950 plus core

BDE gears 


Fuel rails 


Follow Ups
  • Coated 4340 chromoly Eagle rods... BDE Late adjustable gear - KongZTT GT28RS MD 06:47:12 11/10/15