TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Sold the Z... Have some new / used parts to sell
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Subject SELLING: Sold the Z... Have some new / used parts to sell
Posted by M[ohio] on October 30, 2015 at 1:09 PM
  This message has been viewed 780 times.
Screen Name:M[ohio]
Real Name:Mike Jessy
Location:Columbus, OH 43230 USA
Research M[ohio]'s post history
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Please note that only the items listed below are still available.

VG30DETT Throttle cable cover that goes over plenum (no broken tabs) + NEW polished aluminum "Twin Turbo" strip. Paint the cover your color of choice and install the polished strip and make your engine bay stand out - $55 for both pieces together

Stock center nose panel (between headlights) from a 92TT - currently oem black paint color. $30/obo

Stock front brake air guides. Mounting hardware included. Many model years of Z's did not come with brake air guides due to cost savings measures by Nissan. These are still available from Nissan for $120. Selling the set for $45

1993 auto transmission computer (TCU) - $20

Redline 75W 90 gear oil - 2 quarts - for changing the Z32 diff fluid. NEW SEALED - both bottles for $20

Nissan OEM driver side original plastic style door lock "actuator" piece (used, removed from working factory door handle) - $20

Z1 Motorsports UPGRADED aluminum PASSENGER side door lock actuator (NEW) $25

OEM Nissan blue starter relay (blue) NEW - $10

Z1 Motorsports - Transmission (and alternator) wiring harness WITH/ automatic-to-5speed conversion option. When converting your automatic Z to a manual trans, make sure to get rid of your old worn out stock harness with cracked connectors and brittle wires that will give you electrical issues. These are $170 + shipping from Z1 -- NEW IN SEALED BAG - $130 SHIPPED

Silkaflex 227 - black adhesive in a standard caulk tube for fixing dash peel - the best permanent fix that won't let go in a year or two, and also won't bleed through the vinyl of your dash like some plastic adhesives. Only one tube availlabke, but that is more than you will need to fix one dash - $15 + shipping

Follow Ups
  • Sold the Z... Have some new / used parts to sell - M[ohio] 13:09:56 10/30/15