TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - BNIB 88mm CP pistons with thermal coating
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Subject SELLING: BNIB 88mm CP pistons with thermal coating
Posted by RobZ32 on October 20, 2015 at 1:28 PM
  This message has been viewed 642 times.
Screen Name:RobZ32
Real Name:Rob Silva
Location:Houston, TX 77079 USA
Research RobZ32's post history
Message I have a set of brand new 88mm CP pistons with EP racing's thermal coating for sale.
The set comes with everything a brand new set of pistons will come with, they were not installed, only opened to take pictures and to apply the thermal coating.
Asking $900 OBO shipped to your door.


Follow Ups
  • BNIB 88mm CP pistons with thermal coating - RobZ32 13:28:33 10/20/15