TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 300ZX 3 Spoke Steering Wheel with Thumb Extensions!
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Subject SELLING: 300ZX 3 Spoke Steering Wheel with Thumb Extensions!
Posted by kmahmood(interior-innovations) on October 20, 2015 at 12:50 PM
  This message has been viewed 1007 times.
Screen Name:kmahmood(interior-innovations)
Real Name:Khalid Mahmood
Location:Saginaw, MI 48185 USA
Research kmahmood(interior-innovations)'s post history
Message Interior-Innovations is now introducing 3 spoke custom made steering wheels for 300ZX/Z32! These wheels have thicker grip for better driving experience! Comes with thumb extensions and flattened bottom end!

This is your chance to give a custom/upgraded look to the interior of your Z while keeping all the stock functions intact!


3 spoke steering wheel with thumb extensions and flattened bottom end = $200
Perforation charge = $30
Hydro-Graphic inserts = $45
Nova-suede inserts = $45
Shipping $20

Let us know if you have any questions.

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