TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - As new complete suspension system
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Subject SELLING: As new complete suspension system
Posted by quantummechanic on October 18, 2015 at 8:08 AM
  This message has been viewed 684 times.
Screen Name:quantummechanic
Real Name:Ed T
Location:Lorette, Ma r0a0y0 USA
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Message KYB AGX adjustable shocks with Tein H springs installed on them. With new genuine Nissan mounts, isolators, boots, bump-stops, gaskets etc.
The set is in mint shape as they have less than 500 miles on them.
Completely assembled set (no need to get a compressor etc) and every component was purchased new which came in at well over $1k.
An excellent riding, looking and performing set.
I am in Canada but can ship to the US; travel there every couple weeks or so.

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