TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Suede Dash Finisher or Glove Box : CHARCOAL COLOR
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Subject WANTED: Suede Dash Finisher or Glove Box : CHARCOAL COLOR
Posted by mxs666 on October 08, 2015 at 5:18 PM
  This message has been viewed 535 times.
Screen Name:mxs666
Real Name:michael swick
Location:Madisonville, LA 70447 USA
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If there is any pile to the material, that is not suede.

Also, please make sure its a stock part and not from an aftermarket kit. Sometimes you can tell by looking at the back.

I really just need the finisher, that goes between the glovebox and the door. But if no one has one of those, I can probably use a glove box door and resurface a finisher core.

Thanx .

Follow Ups
  • Suede Dash Finisher or Glove Box : CHARCOAL COLOR - mxs666 17:18:26 10/08/15