TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Fully assembled TT motor w turbos
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Subject SELLING: Fully assembled TT motor w turbos
Posted by ste z on October 05, 2015 at 3:35 PM
  This message has been viewed 865 times.
Screen Name:ste z
Real Name:Dustin Stec
Location:Maryville , Tn 37803 USA
Research ste z's post history
Message JE pistons 87.5mm
Eagle rods
Rotating assembly balanced
ACL bearings
ARP main studs
ARP head studs
Cometic head gaskets

R400+ cams
New lifters
Three angle valve job
Heads and intake lightly ported/polished
Z1 adjustable exhaust pulleys
BDE Intake pulleys

Coolant passages ported
Full 90K kit
New oil pump
New oil pan
New knock sensor
Resealed VTC solenoids
Powder coated cam covers (silver)
New oil pressure sender

MSP manifolds
GT675 turbos
SZ 3" divorced down pipes
Z1 Urethane motor mounts

Turbos down pipes and manifolds purchased used from Z1, all other parts are new. Motor is on a stand, zero miles.

The plan was to install this in my TT, but a move is forcing the sale..... I know that I'm going to lose money, make me a reasonable offer

Contact me with questions or for pictures, Dustin

Follow Ups
  • Fully assembled TT motor w turbos - ste z 15:35:26 10/05/15