TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Misc pats and car for sale
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Subject SELLING: Misc pats and car for sale
Posted by Atti2de on September 26, 2015 at 11:05 PM
  This message has been viewed 693 times.
Screen Name:Atti2de
Real Name:Chris Cicognani
Location:San Antonio, TX 78260 USA
Research Atti2de's post history
Message Email me for pictures:

NA Injen hard pipes $70 shipped

Blitz turbo timer $70 shipped

Greedy side mount intercoolers $450 shipped

I Have boxes of spare parts. Ask me I will see what I have

Greedy TD05h 16g kit with one bad turbo. Includes both turbos (Greddy inspected second turbo said its fine), manifolds, down pipes, external waste gates, oil lines and hard plumbing. $1,200 shipped

1900 300zx NA car with 130,000 miles. Needs motor but car is in good shape. 5 way adjustable shocks, lowering springs, aftermarket wheels, custom interior, MR K signed parts, stereo system, stilled nose and center peice, gauges, Jspec wing, Jspec side markers, socketed ECU, HSK exhaust, intake and more. 5speed tranny included and NA motor. (Think it spun the crank) $3,750

Follow Ups
  • Misc pats and car for sale - Atti2de 23:05:54 09/26/15