TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Looking for an NA clutch pedal bracket
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Subject WANTED: Looking for an NA clutch pedal bracket
Posted by tiale11 on September 14, 2015 at 1:28 PM
  This message has been viewed 564 times.
Screen Name:tiale11
Real Name:Alex Pereira
Location:Queens, NY 11366 USA
Research tiale11's post history
Message Looking for an NA clutch pedal bracket. I already have the pedal so wont need it. Ideally, I'd like to receive it by this Friday 9/18/2015.

Send me shipped paypal price (zip code is 11563) to my e-mail: I can pick up local to NYC. Pictures are also welcomed.


Follow Ups
  • Looking for an NA clutch pedal bracket - tiale11 13:28:01 09/14/15