TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 2 ecu chips dw fuel pump stoch tt clutch
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Subject SELLING: 2 ecu chips dw fuel pump stoch tt clutch
Posted by revolutionary on September 10, 2015 at 8:55 AM
  This message has been viewed 660 times.
Screen Name:revolutionary
Real Name:brent
Location:miramar, fl 33023 USA
Research revolutionary's post history
Message I have 2 ecu chips for sale 1 is jwt 555 dual intake and the other is specialty z 740cc dual intake 50 shipped each

Dw 300 fuel pump 80 shipped

Stock nissan tt clucth 40 shipped

Follow Ups
  • 2 ecu chips dw fuel pump stoch tt clutch - revolutionary 08:55:14 09/10/15