TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 90 TT Partout
People Seeking Info

Subject SELLING: 90 TT Partout
Posted by gsrteg on September 09, 2015 at 11:08 AM
  This message has been viewed 725 times.
Screen Name:gsrteg
Real Name:nick presta
Location:wethersfield, CT 06109 USA
Research gsrteg's post history
Message I only have what is listed below
Autometer Boost Gauge w/Single Pod $65 shipped.
1990 TT Heads w/72k Stock w/CAS. Great Condition, Local Preferred bu will ship for right buyer. Looking to sell fast.
2 Sets OEM Tail lights. Mint Condition 100 Shipped per set.
A/C Compressor and Condenser
Black Interior (Local only, few pieces missing, looking to sell fast! been sitting for a year now)
6 OEM Coil Packs w/8k on them 120 for all 6
Thermostat housing 25 shipped
2 gallons camo green plasti dip 110 Shipped

Follow Ups
  • 90 TT Partout - gsrteg 11:08:37 09/09/15