TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 1993 5 speed Convertible + TT engine + extra stuff
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Subject SELLING: 1993 5 speed Convertible + TT engine + extra stuff
Posted by 300zxNA2TT on September 08, 2015 at 3:48 PM
  This message has been viewed 1319 times.
Screen Name:300zxNA2TT
Real Name:Fritz M
Location:Miami Beach, FL 33140 USA
Research 300zxNA2TT's post history
Message Hey guys...
Selling one of my Z's if anyone is interested.

Its a 1993 convertible 5 spd. I had one of the vert arms rewelded professionally. It opened up on the previous owner while driving which gave it a rebuilt title. Car has 150xxx miles on it, and will go up as I do drive her around sometimes.

interior has been redone with skins from Interior Innovations, and a custom sound system. Inside the car is beautiful. The only thing I havent touched is the body. Could use a little TLC. I wasnt sure if the next owner would like the side skirts or rear bumper, so i left it alone.

As is, car needs nothing. Runs and drives great.

Now, I bought a TT engine for it, but my mechanic is a cunt, so I'm not going through witht he swap. So, figured whoever buys it will have the engine out of the car to build it to their liking before dropping it in. It has 40xxx miles on it (What the engine company says). Comes complete with everything ready to drop in that I understand. Turbos, wire harness, ecu, etc.

I also have an AEM V1 for it.
Kevlar Timing belt.
2.5" intercooler piping (Not sure if its complete as it sat at my mechanics place and he may have lost a pipe). If i can get a pic of what the whole set should look like I can see if I have the whole thing.
Used TT Radiator.

May have a couple other things depending if I use it in my Supra or not. APEXI SAFCII and boost controller. As well as a greddy turbo timer.

I dont want to sell things separately, rather as a whole package. Unless I sell the car by itself and the buyer doent want the engine. Then I would sell the engine and stuff separately.

Here is the link to my CL ad. Price is OBO and I'd much rather sell it to someone on here that will take care of her, instead of some Miami kid who wont appreciate her.

I am VERY motivated to sell. If anyone here is interested, please give me a shout and see if we can come to an agreement. I REALLY need to let this car go as I'm moving out of state. I have it listed for $9900 for everything. OBO. Must rather sell it to you guys.

1993 Convertible + TT Engine n stuff

Follow Ups
  • 1993 5 speed Convertible + TT engine + extra stuff - 300zxNA2TT 15:48:18 09/08/15