TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Brand new forged internals. Carrillo, Wiseco, ACL
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Subject SELLING: Brand new forged internals. Carrillo, Wiseco, ACL
Posted by JDAVE on September 07, 2015 at 5:22 PM
  This message has been viewed 831 times.
Screen Name:JDAVE
Real Name:Jon David
Location:Springfield, Mo 65802 USA
Research JDAVE's post history
Message Brand new in box parts

Carrillo H beam rods with M9 CARR bolts $1300 shipped
Wiseco 88mm 8.5:1 Pistons ceramic coated $600 shipped
ACL rod and main bearings $125 shipped

 photo 486843F5-2091-4555-AC07-C5A1F1175E41_zps3tdnfyrv.jpg

Follow Ups
  • Brand new forged internals. Carrillo, Wiseco, ACL - JDAVE 17:22:20 09/07/15