TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - hks exhaust clutch and flywheel
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Subject SELLING: hks exhaust clutch and flywheel
Posted by dfenton2 on September 06, 2015 at 1:16 PM
  This message has been viewed 584 times.
Screen Name:dfenton2
Real Name:dustan fenton
Location:Grovedale, AB Canada Canada
Research dfenton2's post history
Message Excellent condition Hks exhaust. 550 usd obo. Buyer ships.

Act 6 puck clutch TT. Never used. Good for 550 foot pounds of torque.
Z1 light weight flywheel. Never used.
Would like 600 usd for the clutch and flywheel together. Buyer ships
Please send friend family payment for PayPal or add 3 percent.
Pictures are available upon request.

Follow Ups
  • hks exhaust clutch and flywheel - dfenton2 13:16:35 09/06/15