TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Chrome TT wheels with tires
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Subject SELLING: Chrome TT wheels with tires
Posted by shawnc on September 05, 2015 at 1:52 PM
  This message has been viewed 691 times.
Screen Name:shawnc
Real Name:Shawn C.
Location:Atlanta, Ga 30345 USA
Research shawnc's post history
Message For sale in Richmond, VA area. Come and get them, need them gone. IMake me an offer. Not willing to ship, but will deliver within an hour
Stock TT setup. rubber stock sizes with 60%+ tread left. Wheels are 8/10 condition. Great for age
email/call/text. Thanks

Follow Ups
  • Chrome TT wheels with tires - shawnc 13:52:55 09/05/15