TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Specialty Z 2.5" Super Split downpipes
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Subject SELLING: Specialty Z 2.5" Super Split downpipes
Posted by outkaZTT on August 29, 2015 at 7:55 PM
  This message has been viewed 1030 times.
Screen Name:outkaZTT
Real Name:Mike S
Location:Phoenix, AZ 85298 USA
Research outkaZTT's post history
Message I'm going with 5 bolt turbos so my 4 bolt downpipes have to go. They only have about 10k miles on them and are in excellent shape. Don't mind the oil on the one on the left, I had a small oil leak so it got a little stained, easy to repaint.

Asking $250

 photo Downpipes_zpssvadvepg.jpg

Follow Ups
  • Specialty Z 2.5" Super Split downpipes - outkaZTT 19:55:16 08/29/15