TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - OEM TT Radiator fan Shroud and AC components
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Subject WANTED: OEM TT Radiator fan Shroud and AC components
Posted by WhiTTe Z on August 27, 2015 at 8:21 AM
  This message has been viewed 680 times.
Screen Name:WhiTTe Z
Real Name:Andy
Location:Austin, TX 78748 USA
Research WhiTTe Z's post history
Message Well, I moved from NY to TX and it's too hot to not have AC

Wanted for a '93 TT:

-OEM radiator fan shroud
-ANY/ALL AC Components forward of the firewall (Lines, Compressor, Pulley, AUX fan, etc.)

Email me with your price shipped to 78748


Follow Ups
  • OEM TT Radiator fan Shroud and AC components - WhiTTe Z 08:21:53 08/27/15