TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - '91 TT Coupe:Need the shell gone - make me an offer on parts
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Subject SELLING: '91 TT Coupe:Need the shell gone - make me an offer on parts
Posted by Dave N on August 24, 2015 at 10:27 AM
  This message has been viewed 976 times.
Screen Name:Dave N
Real Name:Dave Nichols
Phone:Please use email
Location:Irvine, CA 92603 USA
Research Dave N's post history
Message My preference would be to sell locally as big parts can be a pain to ship. But if you *really* want a particular part and are out of state, contact me and we will see if a deal can be worked out.

Sorry for the laziness of linking my CL ad, but I'm going to do that anyway:

Please contact me if additional pictures are needed of a part you are interested in.



Follow Ups
  • '91 TT Coupe:Need the shell gone - make me an offer on parts - Dave N 10:27:37 08/24/15