TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - In Need Of 2+2 hatch glass (Preference Blue over Bronze)
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Subject WANTED: In Need Of 2+2 hatch glass (Preference Blue over Bronze)
Posted by ichirou on August 12, 2015 at 7:51 AM
  This message has been viewed 547 times.
Screen Name:ichirou
Real Name:Q a
Location:Concord , Ca 94520 USA
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Message In the California S.F. East Bay Area. Don't really care where it comes from as long as it comes in safely. Preferences: Blue glass and seal around it. Some amateur broke out all my driver side and my back hatch glass on my 2+2 TTZ to get a sub that wasnt worth $60. >;'( I'm having a bitch of a time getting the rear glass. Looking for help from anyone.., even if it's just helping me locate it. Donation would be cool being that I'm a starving student, but ultimately if I have to pay for it I will. The issue I'm having is that it's been a year and I can't get it locally in the state of California with my connections and calls ive made. Someone new bought the apartment complex and says we have 30 days to comply or I'll start getting towed because it's an 'eyesore' UNDER MY CAR COVER no less. Anyhow thank you in advance anyone that lends any help. ~Q~ (I still need the driver side and quarter panel in blue as well 2+2, but can get those cheap on ebay so this post is primarily for the back glass)

Follow Ups
  • In Need Of 2+2 hatch glass (Preference Blue over Bronze) - ichirou 07:51:18 08/12/15