TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Excellent condition 91TT - Accepting offers
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Subject SELLING: Excellent condition 91TT - Accepting offers
Posted by WichitaZX on May 27, 2015 at 12:04 AM
  This message has been viewed 1086 times.
Screen Name:WichitaZX
Real Name:J.D. Utash
Location:Wichita, KS 67206 USA
Research WichitaZX's post history
Message It's been a great many blissful years driving, tuning, breaking, fixing and enjoying this car but I find myself in the ever-popular situation of a growing family, new house, and no time to invest on keeping this thing on the road.

Where do I begin... Well, I found this car in Kentucky. Flew out and drove it back to Wichita Kansas where it's been the last 10+ years. According to the title, i'm the third owner. 10+ years later, it's received a variety of engine and electronics upgrades, fresh custom paint exterior and interior, and a known street presence in Wichita.

Please see my bio for list of mods.

Ok now the bad news. After putting the car in storage for the winter and pulling it out this Spring it would not start. Thought it might be bad fuel but wasn't. Hoping a fresh set of plugs or perhaps fuel temp sensor or something simple is the fix. I bring this situation up because I want to hear both kinds of offer: those for a running car and those for an "as-is" car.

Will only sell locally. Not willing to ship car.

Please call or email directly with questions and/or offers.

- J.D.

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Follow Ups
  • Excellent condition 91TT - Accepting offers - WichitaZX 00:04:59 05/27/15