TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 300ZX Short-Throw Shifter, brand-new, never installed -- $50
People Seeking Info

Subject SELLING: 300ZX Short-Throw Shifter, brand-new, never installed -- $50
Posted by dawoolf on May 01, 2015 at 9:39 AM
  This message has been viewed 685 times.
Screen Name:dawoolf
Real Name:wolfgang doering
Phone:(310) 619-0584
Location:Los Angeles, CA 90025 USA
Research dawoolf's post history
Message Brand-new short-throw shifter. Never installed or used.
It will take the factory shift knob or any knob of your choice.
It requires the factory bushing or any bushing of your choice (like a bronze bushing) to properly connect to the shifter linkage.

I PROVIDE PHOTOS UPON REQUEST -- VIA EMAIL. (I don't think I can, or don't know how, to attach photos from my personal computer to this selling message)

Follow Ups
  • 300ZX Short-Throw Shifter, brand-new, never installed -- $50 - dawoolf 09:39:34 05/01/15