TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - WTB: X PIPE Please help.
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Subject WANTED: WTB: X PIPE Please help.
Posted by ign 5 on April 01, 2015 at 6:23 PM
  This message has been viewed 588 times.
Screen Name:ign 5
Real Name:Russ Mittelstadt
Location:Las Vegas, NV 89178 USA
Research ign 5's post history
Message I am looking for an X pipe. I currently have an H-pipe and want to try an X pipe. My setup now is 2.5" I have been looking for one for some time, I have even found some on ebay in kits, and asked if I could buy just the x pipe, but they all said that is not an option. CZP is the cheapest I have seen, and that is 300+shipping. I really dont want to spend that much, so I hope to find a used one first, Please let me know what you have, or even if you have a link to one that is not more then 250 bucks. Thanks in advance.
please email or call or text 720-422-3995

Follow Ups
  • WTB: X PIPE Please help. - ign 5 18:23:00 04/01/15