TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - AshSpec 3" V-Band Inlet Pipes
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Subject WANTED: AshSpec 3" V-Band Inlet Pipes
Posted by Bigwill837 on March 21, 2015 at 6:06 PM
  This message has been viewed 731 times.
Screen Name:Bigwill837
Real Name:William Van Shellenbeck
Location:Austin, Tx 78758 USA
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Message I purchased a used set of AshSpec 3” V-Band intake piping from a forum member. Unfortunately the V-Band inlets were not included with the sale. Anybody have the two v-band inlet pipes for each turbo for sale?

Here is the complete kit.

Here is what I purchased:

…and Here is what I need:

Let me know what you got. Thanks for looking!

Follow Ups
  • AshSpec 3" V-Band Inlet Pipes - Bigwill837 18:06:37 03/21/15