TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - >>>AZTEC RED Powdercoated WingZ<<<
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Subject SELLING: >>>AZTEC RED Powdercoated WingZ<<<
Posted by MegaZ on February 08, 2015 at 12:24 PM
  This message has been viewed 921 times.
Screen Name:MegaZ
Real Name:David Gardner
Phone:please use email
Location:Mount Airy, NC 27030 USA
Research MegaZ's post history
Message My powdercoater finally had an opportunity to match Aztec Red, at the expense of a fellow Z32 owner (thanks S. Swinton). Here is his WingZ, which is actually a refurbish of a WingZ I made for another customer in 2004.

If there are any Aztec Red owners who have been wanting a color matched WingZ, they are now available for $120.00 plus $12 shipping east of the Mississippi and $15 west, and they come with all hardware, as usual...

Follow Ups
  • >>>AZTEC RED Powdercoated WingZ<<< - MegaZ 12:24:23 02/08/15