TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Low milage OEM turbo, generic DP's, SZ 2.5" TP's
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Subject SELLING: Low milage OEM turbo, generic DP's, SZ 2.5" TP's
Posted by wild_maxx on February 06, 2015 at 6:06 PM
  This message has been viewed 790 times.
Screen Name:wild_maxx
Real Name:Shawn Willoughby
Location:Pullman, WA 99163 USA
Research wild_maxx's post history
Message I'm upgrading to larger turbo's so the stock ones are up for sale. These replacement CHRA's have ~1200 miles of use on them before I pulled the engine for upgrades. They are in perfect condition. Asking 600.00 OBO + shipping

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SpecialtyZ 2.5" test pipes. In great condition with no scrapes or major dents. Upgrading to 3" so these need to go. Asking 250.00 + shipping

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2.5" "Edge Racing" downpipes. Used them for the past 5 years with no issues. Bolted up to my SZ 2.5" full exhaust system with no issues. 80.00 + shipping
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Follow Ups
  • Low milage OEM turbo, generic DP's, SZ 2.5" TP's - wild_maxx 18:06:50 02/06/15