TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - tokico shocks RS-R springs, eibach springs, megan springs
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Subject SELLING: tokico shocks RS-R springs, eibach springs, megan springs
Posted by Dane (Houston) on December 30, 2014 at 11:14 AM
  This message has been viewed 905 times.
Screen Name:Dane (Houston)
Real Name:Dane Miller
Phone:713 204 8136
Location:Houston, TX 77070 USA
Research Dane (Houston)'s post history

Tokico Illumina shocks 5 way adjustable $200
RS-R lowering springs $200
380$ together and assembled
condition: known good 20,000 miles (used on track car, upgraded to tein, yet performed very well see here: [ ]

Tokico blue shocks $130
Eibach lowing springs $180
300$ shipped together and assembled
condition: known good

Megan racing lowering springs $100
Monroe shocks $100
$180 together and assembled
springs known good, shocks unknown

seller: Dane Miller @ Houston Z
phone: 936-463-8966
Location: Houston ZAuto
10541 cypress creek parkway suite 504 houston tx 77070

Follow Ups
  • tokico shocks RS-R springs, eibach springs, megan springs - Dane (Houston) 11:14:58 12/30/14