TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Genuine and Synthetic Leather Interior PKGS!
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Subject SELLING: Genuine and Synthetic Leather Interior PKGS!
Posted by kmahmood(interior-innovations) on December 29, 2014 at 12:38 AM
  This message has been viewed 782 times.
Screen Name:kmahmood(interior-innovations)
Real Name:Khalid Mahmood
Location:Saginaw, MI 48185 USA
Research kmahmood(interior-innovations)'s post history
Message Interior-Innovations is your source for a wide range of finest quality Z32/Z31 interior products. We now carry seat

covers and boot sets for 350Z, 240Z, 260Z and 280Z!!

Our all round Genuine leather Seat Covers are made with the highest quality cow hides, not even a single panel

on these leather skins is made with PVC or Synthetic leather, nothing like "Front leather and PVC on

Sides and Backs".

On the other hand our Synthetic leather Seat Covers are an excellent choice for someone who wants quality but

has low budget!!

All of our products are made by experienced upholstery professionals using exact O.E.M specs.

These are the best products money can buy!!

Check out our website today!!

###############################GENUINE LEATHER SEAT COVERS##################################
Pair of front Skins = $350 ; IN NAPA LEATHER = $500
Rear skins = $325 ; IN NAPA LEATHER $475
Skins with Novasuede Inserts = $450
Skins with two tone leather = $350
Skins with Perforated inserts = $425
Embroidery = $25 (Available options, Z logo, 300ZX and FairladyZ)
Custom Embroidery = $50
Embossing = $25 (Z logo only)
Custom Embossing = $75
Piping = $25
*********Color top Stitching = Free****************
Ribbed Pattern = $25
Shipping cost = $45

############################GENUINE LEATHER INTERIOR TRIM KIT################################
**13 piece Genuine leather Interior Trim kit for only $250 shipped ($50 extra for 2+2).
**13 piece Novasuede trim kit for only $345 shipped ($70 extra for 2+2)

######GENUINE LEATHER INTERIOR PKG (SEAT COVERS + TRIM KIT)###############################
Contains front pair of seat covers made with full genuine leather + 13 piece genuine leather trim kit = $599 +



############################SYNTHETIC LEATHER SEAT COVERS#############################
Pair of front Skins = $200
Rear skins = $180
Embroidery = $25 (Available options, Z logo, 300ZX and FairladyZ)
Custom Embroidery = $50
Pipin = $25
*********Color top Stitching = Free****************
Ribbed Pattern = $25
Shipping cost = $30

######################SYNTHETIC LEATHER TRIM KIT###########################################
13 piece Synthetic leather Interior Trim kit for only $100 shipped ($10 extra for 2+2)

##################SYNTHETIC LEATHER INTERIOR PKG (SEAT COVERS + TRIM KIT)############################
Contains front pair of seat covers and 13 piece interior trim kit for only $325 shipped!


###########################GENUINE LEATHER SEAT COVERS##################################

################SYNTHETIC LEATHER SEAT COVERS#######

Trim Kit Installed

For available colors and options please contact us at or visit our secured (ssl protected) website @ [ [ ] ]

Thanks for looking!!

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