TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - SoCal Eckhart Tow Hitch
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Subject SELLING: SoCal Eckhart Tow Hitch
Posted by RedSER13 on December 17, 2014 at 11:14 AM
  This message has been viewed 821 times.
Screen Name:RedSER13
Real Name:Aldwin P
Phone:310 four897six98
Location:South Bay, CA 90745 USA
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Message Hidden tow hitch made by Eckhart that sits behind the bumper. Have to remove the license plate to expose the hitch and it comes with taillight hook-up. The hitch is bolted on the chasis, however previous owner also spot welded it. I'm selling the hitch for $50, but the buyer must remove it from the car, including the weld. Sorry. =)

Pic are on my phone. Text me for pics.

Follow Ups
  • SoCal Eckhart Tow Hitch - RedSER13 11:14:36 12/17/14